The Two Natures of Athens
When I told people I was going to Athens, I got a lot of upturned noses and poo-poo’s. “Athens didn’t impress me,” people said.
Well guess what, people. You’re all wrong. So terribly, distressingly wrong.
Athens is crawling with cool.
We didn’t know this, of course, when we planned our trip. We were excited to see the historical side of Athens, even with everyone’s downplaying. And as it was at the end of our 2 week trip, we didn’t worry about planning too much.
“A slow start is fine,” we said, rousing at 10am that first morning. “All we REALLY need to see is the Acropolis.”
Turns out our lazy attitude was just fine because ancient Athens will keep you busy during the day, but modern Athens will take you long into the night.
Two days was just enough time for me to get completely tantalized by the city, and to realize that people hadn’t done it justice. I’d love to come back and spend a month exploring this complex city. Because our own exploration of the city was haphazard, at best, I’m going to present a photo essay of some of my favorite Athens moments.
The Acropolis
Athens is full of history and it’s important to see as much of it as you can. I’d suggest going to the Acropolis before you get archaeological burn out. It’s old. It’s important. It’s also hot, so bring water.
Athens Central Market
I love going to markets, especially ones that are actually used by locals. The Athens Central Market is a bustling center for fresh groceries. This place is for real though — if you are a vegetarian or are easily grossed out you may not want to go. We had to leave the meat section because it got overwhelming. Still, I highly recommend it — pick up some fresh fruit while you’re there!
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Not much of it remains now, but during Roman times this was the largest temple in Greece — and it took almost 700 years to complete! Your ticket to the Acropolis will also get you in here.
Athens by Day
We wandered through Syntagma Square, not really engaged, but we really enjoyed walking through the National Gardens back to our apartment. And definitely take a walk through Plaka and Monastiraki — I almost lost Boyfriend in a music shop, he was so delighted to try out the baglamas.
The National Archaeological Museum
Almost the entire second floor is devoted to pottery. It’s intense. It was nice to see the wall paintings from Akrotiri after we heard about them on Santorini.
At the end of our trip, I had some photography fatigue so I didn’t drag my DSLR around with me at night. I regret it now because we explored some really cool neighborhoods in Athens. Gazi and Exarchia had hip main streets but also adorable and relaxed restaurants and bars winding through the side streets. We were so charmed by the hospitality at the restaurants that we ended up ordering way too much food both nights. It was worth it.
Street Art
There is a ton of graffiti in Athens and a lot of it is just tagging. But our last night there we stumbled into a street art mecca in Exarchia. This neighborhood was very cool, with adorable sidewalk bars and bustling restaurants. I wish we could have explored it further.
Athens is incredible. Perhaps those people who dismissed it didn’t see its layered complexity, but I feel a little bit bad for them. Athens was a check-off destination for me — now it’s a place I dream about going back to dive into the culture more deeply.
Have you ever been somewhere others dismissed only to find out you loved it? Have you ever been to Athens?
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Thanks for giving Athens the insight it deserves. Once you ‘get it’ you can’t help but love it!
It’s such a wonderful city — I’m scheming ways to get back for a month or more!
Jossus Travelpics
I was in Athens last year and I loved it.
It’s always nice to hear someone else enjoys the same city you do — especially because Athens seems to be kinda polarizing. Would love to get back there again sometime soon!