8 Reasons to Visit Normandy, France’s Hidden Gem
Before we talk about why you should visit Normandy and how it’s more than just World War II history, let’s do a little word association exercise to see if you’re anything like me. Ready? France. Paris. The…
3 Cancun Alternatives for Anti-Spring Breakers
The only time I ‘did’ spring break in college, my best friend and I went to the United Kingdom. Yep, we visited London and Edinburgh at the end of February. Obviously, there was no girls-gone-wild action. While…
I May Be Too Old to Stay in Hostels (And Some Hostels I Love)
Hostels are great. There are a lot of reasons why I’ve chosen to stay in hostels over the years. They’re usually run by locals, brimming with energy, a great place to make travel-loving friends. I love hostels.…
Hunting for Ukrainian Castles: Kamianets-Podilskyi and Beyond
You haven’t truly lived until you’re bumping down flooded back roads, following a priest to one of the backwoods Ukrainian castles. Wait, let me back up. Day 1: Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress Ah, the joys of rolling off a…
20 Life Lessons from a Year Traveling the World
October 6, 2015, and I was thousands of miles above Canada en route to Singapore. I had just pulled my eye mask down, put my earplugs in, and settled in to try to sleep, despite the adrenaline…
How I Spent a Perfect Weekend in Barcelona
One of the charming ideas of living in Europe is that you’re able at any moment to just impulse buy a bus/train/plane ticket and be transported to a different country for the weekend. You can go from…
Why I’m Moving to Kiev to Teach English
On February 26, 2016, I boarded a midnight plane flying direct to Kiev. I had scored an amazing $300 ticket, one way to the city that would launch the European part of my nomadic life. The plane…
Getting Cursed Out in Romania, or Confronting Poverty in Travel
It was my first morning in Cluj, and as I walked through the city I felt a joyful buoyancy about my first change of scenery in five weeks. It was Sunday, so it was quiet, and I…
9 Ways I Changed Living in Serbia
My decision to spend over a month living in Serbia this summer was completely random. I had no expectations, just a prayer that I would find a cute coffee shop. While it wasn’t without its challenges, Serbia was…
Why Novi Sad is Fantastic for Digital Nomads in Europe
One afternoon, at the end of April, my name was called over the Kyiv airport PA in the final boarding call for a flight to London. It was the first time in my life I had ever…