• Wonder at the Mosques in Istanbul

    One of the things I adore most about Istanbul is its skyline. The waves of houses rising above the Bosphorus, the domes of the mosques, the spires of the minarets poking the sky. If there’s a view…

  • Exploring Romanian Castles

    I’m not that great at pre-trip research. Even though we had two Romanian castles on our itinerary, I was only vaguely aware of them, knowing that one is considered ‘Dracula’s Castle.’ And true, these Romanian castles might not…

  • Why Visit Transylvania? Postcards from Romania

    Looking through my photos of Transylvania for my recent post on Romania’s medieval towns, I found myself lingering over the pictures of the countryside, sighing as I remembered green fields, big skies, and the charm of Transylvania’s rustic…

  • Discovering Medieval Transylvania

    When we arrived in Romania I wary it was going to be a re-do of Bulgaria, but the electricity of Bucharest reenergized me and reminded me not to be so quick to compare countries, not even neighbors.…

  • Winter Wandering in Port Chester

    It’d been two months since I’d last gotten out of the city and I was desperate for a change. Working a 9-5 job in the heart of skyscraper city means there are some days where I get…

  • Getting Caught Up in Bucharest

    My aunt and I had just spent a week in Bulgaria, winding our way on an organized tour towards Romania. To be honest, I didn’t know much about Romania, but I expected certain similarities to Bulgaria. Beautiful…

  • Skimming Along the Bulgarian Black Sea

    If you’re expecting the Bulgarian Black Sea to actually be an inky midnight color, you’re going to be disappointed. But, on the other hand, if you’re looking for shockingly turquoise waters, soaring rust-colored cliffs, and luxury beach resorts hosting…

  • Time Travel through Sofia’s Architecture

    I only spent about 48 hours in Sofia, but I quickly found out it was a multi-layered city. I already talked about how Sofia subverted my initial impressions and impressed me with a whimsical side and deliciously…

  • Sofia’s Second Chance

    I was not in a good mood when my aunt and I landed in Sofia, and the rain didn’t help. We had just said goodbye to vibrant Istanbul, a place that had completely enveloped me, and leaving after…