The Classic and Quirky of New Orleans
I’ve always sworn up and down that only place in the US I could enjoy living is New York. Even when I considered moving to LA it was with my hands over my eyes. But ten minutes…
Trying to Eat All the Food in New Orleans
I’ve come a long way eating bagged mini-cinnamon rolls on Prague’s St. Charles Bridge. Of course, not every meal while traveling is a win and some culinary experiences I choose to skip all together (sorry, haggis. Maybe next…
How I Learned to Spend Money on Food
I like to eat but am by no means a foodie. I grew up a culinarily unadventurous kid, scorning such things as guacamole because it was mashed and mixed with other… things. Most seafood still grosses me…
How to Eat and Drink Your Way through Ann Arbor
Home of my adored alma mater, Ann Arbor is a place that’s very close to my heart – and stomach. When I go back to visit friends, I schedule out our activities very carefully to hit all the…
A West Point Weekend Getaway
As the days get longer and colder, I find myself faux-hibernating through the winter. The lack of sunlit tends to suck motivation out of me, to the point where I’m flaky out of things I even wanted…
Tarrytown, A Quick Escape
I am completely enamored with train travel, which is odd because I have spent far too many hours idling on the tracks between Ann Arbor and Chicago. Still, I find it romantic and enchanting. It’s been on…
A Week of (Forced) New York City Love
New York City is the greatest city in the world. Let’s just get that out of the way from the start. But it was October and I noticed a serious side-effect of the changing weather. The paradoxical problem with…
The (Real) Romance of Santorini
Recently, when Matt from LandLopers was in Alberta, he talked to several travelers who had ended up there because of digital marketing. It got me thinking about why I travel to the places I travel to. In…
Open Arms on Santorini
Santorini is a resort town, there’s no denying that, but the hospitality is not just an act. Your waiter might be a little harried, your taxi driver a little… reckless, but the people who own their businesses…
The Many Colors of Santorini
My interest in Santorini is, like yours I’m sure, the product of Pinterest, Instagram, and an ingenious team of digital marketers. This island wasn’t even on my radar two years ago, but by the time we had…