• Alternative Places to Learn Russian

    After my long rant about why people should stop asking about learning Russian in Kyiv and instead just make their plans to go to the Motherland, you might find it odd that I’m encouraging you to think…

  • Here's how to plan an international family vacation so that your trip will go smoothly and you'll end it with only the best memories!

    How to Plan an International Family Vacation

    After about a year of living in Ukraine I found myself as the tour director for a very small, very specific group of visitors — my family. I’m not even sure how the idea got started, considering…

  • Amy, Эми, Amychka

    I had already crossed an ocean and taken a five day Midwest road trip spending a full forty hours in the car, and here I was trundling down on a slowly overheating bus to spend the last…

  • Is It Safe to Travel Dagestan? Or Stupid?

    Every time I told a new person that I planned to travel Dagestan during our school holidays, I had to digest their expression and ask myself, again, “What’s the difference between being stupid and being brave?” It…

  • The Only Thing I’ve Learned This Year

    It’s my expat anniversary! Three years ago, I boarded a plane headed for Tokyo, where I’d spend a night before going on to Singapore. I don’t remember which airline I flew, though it was definitely not United…

  • The Truth about Solo Female Travel in Georgia

    Solo female travel in Georgia is a mixed bag. There, I said it, and I know I risk riling some people. Georgians are renowned for their hospitality – which is completely true. They are some of the…

  • The Best Cocktail Bars in Tbilisi

    Finding the best cocktail bars in Tbilisi turned out not to be an easy challenge. Georgia is all about wine, wine, wine, and it’s only recently that their craft beer scene has really gotten going. So when…

  • How to Choose Your Next Expat Home

    The snow pants were presenting a problem. As was my Little Red Riding Hood pea coat, my cozy and fluffy sweater shawl, and my snow boots. Leaving Kyiv and moving to Tbilisi in the middle of winter meant…